Durations Attributes : duration_id, duration_course_id, duration_time, duration_date, duration_type, duration_description.Fees Attributes : course_fee_id, course_fee_course_id, course_fee_amount, course_fee_total, course_fee_payment, course_fee_type, course_fee_description.Shedules Attributes : schedule_id, schedule_name, schedule_type, schedule_description.Students Attributes : student_id, student_college_id, student_name, student_mobile, student_email, student_username, student_password, student_address.Course Attributes : course_id, course_student_id, course_registration, course_name, course_type, course_year, course_description.Books Class : Manage all the operations of BooksĬlasses and their attributes of E-library Management System Class Diagram:.Durations Class : Manage all the operations of Durations.Fees Class : Manage all the operations of Fees.Shedules Class : Manage all the operations of Shedules.Students Class : Manage all the operations of Students.
Course Class : Manage all the operations of Course.Classes of E-library Management System Class Diagram: The main classes of the E-library Management System are Course, Students, Shedules, Fees, Durations, Books. E-library Management System Class Diagram describes the structure of a E-library Management System classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.